Workshop 2023
Thank you for your interest in the 22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop, which will be held 2023 as part of the Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The workshop websites will be available in the beginning of February. Visit us again soon!
Call for Papers 2023
The Call for Papers starts in February 2023.
To present a paper at the workshop, upload an abstract of maximum 3,000 characters (free style) to our online registration platform.
- As the conference language is English, all abstracts have to be written in English.
- Speakers & Poster Presenters will pay a reduced workshop fee.
- All participants are responsible for paying their own travel and hotel expenses.
More information will soon be available on our next year’s website.
Updates via e-mail
If you would like to stay tuned about all important workshop deadlines and news, subscribe to our Newsletter. Visit us again soon!
You are interested in supporting the Workshop 2023 as sponsor?
Contact us for an individual offer that fits your requirements!
If you are interested in learning more about our sponsorship opportunities, please contact me
Kathrin Moser
Web: www.