Recommend the Grid Integration Week…
Every year we strive to offer our participants a unique Workshop experience. It is our goal to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and research by providing a platform for discussion and for sharing ideas and knowledge regarding the key issues in the field of large-scale grid integration of renewable energies. One step to reach this goal is to include new participants each year: that’s where you come into play.
You have enjoyed one or more of our previous Workshops? Then, please be so kind as to recommend the Grid Integration Week in your professional network. May it be by personal recommendation, forwarding our mailings/newsletters or posting in social media networks: We appreciate your support!
… and win a prize!
As many of our participants have already been recommending the Workshops to their peers for several years now, we think it is time to reward their continuous support. That is why all those who recommend the Workshops this year have the opportunity to win a prize!
How do I enter the lottery?
- Recommend the Grid Integration Week to your peers and tell them to name you as the person who recommended the Workshops to them.
- Your peers then need to provide us with your name (as the person that recommended the Workshop to them) during online registration (see screenshot below).
- We will collect these registrations and arrange a lottery amongst them once online registration has closed. Only recommendations to first time participants will be admitted to the lottery.
- The more first time participants name you as their contact, the more chances you have to win one of our prizes. The winners will be notified by email and announced during the Grid Integration Week.
Find below a screenshot of the Online Registration form. The field to be filled out can be found on the first page during the registration process, below “How did you become aware of the Workshop?”.
We wish you good luck and are looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues in Dublin!