FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Attention: The 2020 Workshop will be held as completely virtual event!
Here you can find questions and answers regarding the Wind Integration Workshop for the following topics:
- General
- Registration & Fees
- Call for Papers/Submission of Abstracts
- Submission of Full Papers
- Photos & Videos
- Availability of Abstracts, Papers & Presentations
- Networking
- Session Chair
- LinkedIn, Xing & Twitter
If you still have any open question(s), please contact us: info [at] windintegrationworkshop.org.
Where will the workshops in 2020 take place?
The workshop will NOT be held as physical event but as completely virtual worshop.
How many participants will be expected at the workshops/symposium?
The number of remote participants cannot be defined at the moment, the minimum number of participants is the number of speakers.
Will social events be organized?
We plan a networking phase.
Registration & Fees
How do I register?
Registration is available online here. Stay in the loop with deadlines and receive regular Updates via Email. Sign up for updates here.
Are there special prices for students?
Yes, student rates are granted until the age of 26 and student ID must be valid until at least November 2020. Students are requested to upload a copy of their student ID card during the online registration process.
Do speakers or poster presenters have to pay for the workshop?
Yes. Speakers and poster presenters will pay a reduced registration fee as long as they register until 12 October 2020. After that date, the fee for „Speaker/Poster Late Registration“ applies. Please note that only one author per paper can register as speaker/poster presenter.
What payments are accepted?
We strongly prefer payment by bank transfer or SEPA direct debit. This option isavailable until 12 October 2020. However, we also accept credit cards for online registrations. See the registration page for all payment options.
I am a student and accepted as speaker/poster presenter. Do I need to register as speaker/poster presenter or can I also opt for the students‘ fee?
You may choose the lower fee applicable in the respective time scheme.
Call for Papers/Submission of Abstracts
I am interested in submitting an abstract for the Call for Papers. How do I proceed?
The phase of abstract submission ends 11 July 2020 (and was extended until 2 August 2020). Get details here.
Which is the required format of the abstract?
Free style, plain text, max. 3,000 characters. The abstract should be a short outline of the intended paper to give the abstract reviewers an idea of what to expect. It must not contain pictures, graphics or company names.
What will be the next step after having uploaded my abstract and brief summary?
You will get an email notification for your successful upload.
I have not received the confirmation mail. What might be the reason?
Sometimes it can take a while before emails are sent. If you have not received an email within an hour, please check:
- in your spam folder of your email account
- on the Online Submission Platform if your email address has been entered correctly
- all messages from the the Online Submission Platform are logged: left menu Your Account »Emails.
How do I know if my abstract has been accepted?
After the Call for Papers deadline (extended until 2 August 2020) the reviewers of the International Advisory Committee will carefully read all submitted abstracts and will then send you an acceptance or rejection no later than 24 August 2020.
Submission of Full Papers
Do you provide templates for the full papers?
Yes, templates are provided on our Online Submission Platform as .docx and LaTeX-templates. You find them here:
Left menu » Your Account » Abstracts & Papers » Submission guidelines & Templates
What is the paper format of the full paper?
The format of the full paper is A4.
My abstract has been accepted for ORAL presentation. How do I proceed?
Congratulations! You have now time to upload your full paper together with the copyright form to our Online Submission Platform until 12 October 2020.
You will also have to prepare a powerpoint presentation that has to be uploaded by 3 November 2020 to our Online Submission Platform. If you cannot hold the presentation deadline, please have it ready for transmission in the break before the start of the session.
Do you provide templates for presentations?
No, you can use your own company layout for the Powerpoint presentation.
My abstract has been accepted for POSTER presentation. How do I proceed?
Congratulations! You have now time to upload your full paper together with the copyright form to our Online Submission Platform until 12 October 2020.
Where and how can I present my poster at the workshops?
In 2020, there will be NO physical POSTER PRESENTATION.
- Every Poster Presenter gets a 5-minutes flash talk slot in the presentation program (session TBD later).
- In case you want to prepare a poster file in addition to your paper file, it will be included into the digital workshop proceedings. Please merge full paper and poster files into one PDF file for the paper upload to the Online Submission & Registration Platform
Photos & Videos
Is it allowed to take photos during the workshop and the sessions?
During the sessions it is prohibited to take photos but you are allowed to do so outside the session rooms.
Is it allowed to record or videotape during the presentations?
No. It is strictly prohibited to totally or partly record any presentation held during the workshop.
Will photos or videos be taken by the organizer?
All sesssions will be recorded. Full conference tickets allow access to the virtual 19th Wind Integration Workshop on 11-12 Nov 2020 via our video conference platform and via a video on demand service for 4 weeks after the event.
For a small selection videos of previous workshops visit our Youtube Channel.
Availability of Abstracts, Papers & Presentations
Will the abstracts be available for the participants?
We will publish all available abstracts on our websites before the start of the workshop.
Will the papers be available for the participants?
Yes. The papers are made available for download as PDF-files from the company’s corporate cloud. If you are interested in the proceedings of previous years, you can order them here for Solar and Wind. The papers of the previous E-Mobility Integration Symposia are available for download in the Downloads sections of the respective workshop websites:
Can I choose between printed proceedings and download?
No. The proceedings are exclusively available as PDF-files.
How do I receive the download link of the proceedings??
The download link will be sent out per email to all participants in the morning of the first workshop day.
Will the presentations be available after the workshop?
Yes. Some presentations can be found in the download section of the workshop website, most of them will be made available for download as PDF-files from the company’s corporate cloud as long as the respective authors agree. This applies to workshop participants with full conference tickets only.
What opportunities do you offer for networking?
We also organize a networking event for getting in touch with other professionals.
Session Chair
I would like to chair one of the sessions in my field of experiences. How can I apply?
Please send an email directly to Energynautics’ staff member Uta Betancourt (u.betancourt[at]energynautics.com), telling her title and number of the session you are interested in. The deadline is 12 October 2020. Please note that you have to be registered when sending your request.
I am session chair during the workshop/symposium. Are there any guidelines that help me preparing for this task?
Yes. Guidelines are sent to you by email.
LinkedIn, Xing & Twitter
Is there a LinkedIn Group representing the workshops/symposium?
Yes. Please register for the group here.
Are the workshops/the symposium available as a Xing Group?
No. But we regularly submit posts in different other groups with regards to renewable energy.
Do you twitter?
Yes. To follow us on Twitter click here.