Wind Tutorial

Ancillary Services and Wind Power Plants: Status and Experiences

On Tuesday, 24 October 2017, prior to the 16th Wind Integration Workshop, a tutorial will be held by international experts on “Ancillary Services and Wind Power Plants: Status and Experiences”.

Book your ticket here!

High share of renewables in the power system can only be achieved if wind power plants also offer ancillary services, e.g. voltage control, balancing services and frequency control. Within this tutorial technical solutions and practical experiences are presented and discussed.


Tutorial Lecturers

All of our wind tutorial lecturers come from renowned companies such as Enercon, Vestas or GE Energy and are experts in their field of work. For short biographies please click here.

Andreas Linder (Enercon), Nicholas Miller (GE), Bo Hesselbæk (Vestas), María Sánchez Llorente (Red Electrica), Hanna Emanuel (Enercon)



The wind tutorial will be held at the workshop venue, the H4 Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz. Please come to the main registration desk at the conference center to collect your conference badge before going to the tutorial.


The tutorial will take place in room “Grenander 4” of the H4 Conference Hotel.


Lunch (in tutorial room)



Balancing Response with Wind Power Plants
Lecturer: Andreas Linder (Enercon, Germany)

Control Reserve as a System Service has the important role to stabilize the grid / the frequency whenever an incident occurs in the grid. As of today 3 GW of Primary Control Reserve are necessary in Continental Europe to compensate the first loss of generation or consumption. Further Control Reserve products help longer-lasting incidents. Diverse remunaration schemes are in place to give the System Responsible Parties access to adequate Control Reserve which also gives owners of Power Plants access to a source of revenue. How may Wind Energy be used to offer Control Reserve? What technical solutions exist and which are possible? Which regulatory and technical boarders exist that hinder Wind Energy from offering Control Reserve? This talks wants to give answers to these questions along with presenting finished and actual pilot and research projects.





Short Break



Inertia Response with Wind Power Plants
Lecturer: Nicholas Miller (GE Energy Consulting, USA)

Inertia-based controls for wind turbines provide an opportunity to help address concerns associated with the decline in synchronous inertia and displacement of traditional sources of frequency sensitive generation.  This lecture will examine the fundamental enabling technology for frequency sensitive controls that depend on turbine inertia. Topics will include variations in control philosophy; discussion of why these controls are not exactly the same as synchronous inertia; examples of system performance impacts; and review of some emerging grid requirements.





Coffee Break



Wind Power and Ancillary Services

Lecturer: Bo Hesselbæk (Vestas Wind Systems, Denmark)

The presentation will give a short introduction to the power system and reasons why ancillary services is needed. Thereafter an overview of the different ancillary services wind power delivers today and the future prospects for delivering services from wind power plants will follow. The different services could be grid support for ex. reactive power. Further on, the presentation will also touch upon more products focused on market/balancing like up and down regulation, frequency response. Lastly, the commercial/regulatory changes which could create a more level playing field for wind power to further support the grid will be discussed.





Short Break



Renewable Energy and Ancillary Services in Spain
Lecturer: María Sánchez Llorente (Red Electrica, Spain)

Firstly, the presentation gives an overview of the Spanish Electricity System and its main characteristics. It shows also the specific Control Centre for Renewables (CECRE) and the great level of observability and controllability reached for renewable energies in Spain. Further on, the presentation gets deeply in which is the actual situation of ancillary services: last regulatory changes, mandatory prequalification tests to participate and real participation of renewable energies. Lastly, we will talk about the necessary coordination to avoid impact in congestion management from the units participating in balancing markets.





Short Break



Voltage Control with Wind Power Plants
Lecturer: Hanna Emanuel (Enercon, Germany)

The presentation gives an overview on voltage controlling with wind power plants. After showing typical reactive power ranges of wind turbines and explaining various control types, practice examples and field test results as well as constraints in project specific parameter settings will be discussed. As a final point losses from reactive power provision will be introduced and an insight on German and international discussions on possible remuneration of reactive power provision shall be given.







  • The Wind Tutorial is not included in the general registration fee.
  • As the number of participants for the Wind Tutorial is limited, tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • The price is 460.00 Euros for regular participants (during late-registration), students pay 350.00 Euros excl. 19% VAT. Get details on our Registration & Fees webpage.